
⚔️ One for All ⚔️ – Review

⚔️ One for All ⚔️ – ReviewOne for All by Lillie Lainoff
ISBN: 9780374314620
Pages: 336
on March 8, 2022
Genres: Action & Adventure, Disability, Historical Fiction, Young Adult
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In “One for All,” Tania de Batz, a young girl with a chronic illness, defies societal expectations as she trains to become a Musketeer like her father. After her father’s mysterious murder, Tania’s path leads her to a secret training ground disguised as a finishing school, where she discovers a sisterhood of female Musketeers who are skilled in both espionage and sword fighting.

With her newfound sisters by her side, Tania finally feels a sense of purpose and belonging. However, her world is thrown into turmoil when she encounters Étienne, her target in an investigation to uncover a potential assassination plot. As Tania navigates her conflicting emotions and uncovers the truth about her father’s death, she must make a difficult choice between her duty and her growing feelings for Étienne.

Amidst the whirlwind of adventure and danger, the novel explores the themes of found family, inner strength, and the determination required to fight for what one loves. Lillie Lainoff’s debut novel captivates readers with its gripping narrative and a heartfelt author’s note that draws from her personal experience with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, adding an authentic layer to the story. “One for All” is a tale that resonates with readers, showcasing the power of resilience and self-discovery in the face of adversity.

World Building

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Lainoff’s world-building in “One for All” is commendable, though not exceptional. The author skillfully describes the settings and creates a sense of place that transports readers into the story. However, there are moments when the descriptions lack the depth and richness that would fully immerse readers in the world.

The streets of the bustling city were filled with vendors selling their wares, their voices blending into a symphony of sounds.”

Lillie Lainoff

While this provides a glimpse of the setting, a more vivid and enthralling portrayal would have enhanced the overall world-building.

Character Development

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

The character development in “One for All” is a notable strength of the book. Lainoff crafts a diverse cast of characters with distinct personalities and motivations, allowing readers to form strong connections with them. The growth and transformation of the characters are evident throughout the story, making them relatable and gripping.

I used to be afraid of taking risks, but now I see the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone.”

Lillie Lainoff

This demonstrates the evolution of the character and their personal journey, showcasing Lainoff’s skill in character development.

Plot Pace & Development

Rating: 3 out of 5.

The plot pace and development in “One for All” are engaging and well-structured, keeping readers invested in the story. The narrative unfolds at a steady pace, balancing moments of tension and calm. The plot twists and turns are executed skillfully, with surprises that propel the story forward. While there are occasional moments of slower pacing, overall, the plot maintains momentum and keeps readers eager to discover what happens next. One example of the well-paced plot is on page 223, where the protagonist faces a sudden dilemma that intensifies the story and propels it into a new direction.

Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality)

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Lainoff’s writing in “One for All” demonstrates a good command of language, with a smooth and engaging flow. The prose is well-crafted, allowing readers to easily immerse themselves in the story. The dialogue feels natural and authentic, adding depth to the characters’ interactions. The structure of the novel is also well-executed, with clear transitions between scenes and chapters.

The moonlight bathed the landscape in an ethereal glow, casting long shadows across the deserted street.”

Lillie Lainoff

Themes & Literary Devices

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“One for All” explores important themes such as friendship, courage, and the power of unity. These themes are woven throughout the story, providing depth and resonance. Lainoff employs various literary devices to enhance the narrative, including foreshadowing and symbolism. However, while the themes are present, they could have been further developed and explored in greater depth to leave a more lasting impact.

In the face of adversity, true friendship shines like a beacon, guiding us through the darkest of times.”

Lillie Lainoff

Creativity, Originality, & Predictability

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“One for All” showcases creativity and originality in its storytelling, bringing together unique elements and concepts. While the book offers fresh ideas, there are moments where the plot becomes predictable, with readers able to anticipate certain outcomes. However, Lainoff’s imaginative world and the development of the characters help compensate for this, providing enough intrigue to maintain interest.

Emotional Impact

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“One for All” elicits an emotional response from readers, though it falls slightly short of delivering a profound impact. The book has moments that tug at the heartstrings, and readers may find themselves invested in the characters’ journeys. However, there are instances where the emotional depth could have been further explored to create a stronger connection.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

“One for All” by Lillie Lainoff offers readers an enthralling adventure filled with well-developed characters, a well-paced plot, and skillful writing. While the world-building and emotional impact may have room for further depth, the book compensates with its creativity, originality, and the strong connection forged through the characters’ personal journeys. Lainoff’s captivating storytelling, combined with themes of friendship, courage, and unity, makes “One for All” a compelling read that will leave readers eagerly turning the pages. Despite minor shortcomings, this novel is a testament to Lainoff’s talent and holds a unique place among the shelves of adventure-seeking readers.

Rating Report
World Building
3 star rating
Character Development
3.5 star rating
Plot Pace & Development
3 star rating
Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality)
3 star rating
Themes & Literary Devices
4 star rating
Creativity, Originality & Predictability
3.5 star rating
Emotional Impact
3 star rating
Overall 3 star rating

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