Skeleton holding a book: One for my Enemy - Olivie Blake
Skeleton holding a book: One for my Enemy – Olivie Blake

🌹 One For My Enemy 🌹 – Review

One for My Enemy” by Olivie Blake is a fantasy romance novel that unfolds against the backdrop of modern-day New York City. Blake weaves together elements of classic literature, Russian mythology, and Practical Magic, creating a narrative that revolves around two rival witch families, the Antonova sisters and the Fedorov brothers, as they vie for control of their criminal enterprises. The novel, a modern mashup of Romeo and Juliet, is filled with action, fast-paced plot development, and emotional twists. The writing style of Olivie Blake is highly praised for its phenomenal quality.

The book has received an average rating of 3.87 stars out of 5 based on 9,020 ratings and 2,314 reviews on Goodreads.

🌹 One For My Enemy 🌹 – ReviewOne for My Enemy by Olivie Blake
ISBN: 9781250884862
Pages: 304
Published by Tor Publishing Group
on April 4th, 2023
Genres: Contemporary, Action & Adventure, Fantasy
View on Goodreads

World Building : ★★★☆☆

One for My Enemy” crafts a magical version of Manhattan where the author merges real-world and supernatural elements, constructing a contemporary yet mystical setting. This rendition showcases witches and their rivalries coexisting with everyday life, offering a promising backdrop. However, the narrative falls short in establishing the full authenticity of this world. It misses numerous opportunities to delve into the intricacies of magic, the concealed governance of witches, the origins of magical creatures, and the dynamics of witch societies beyond New York. These unexplored facets leave the reader with a sense of untapped potential in the world-building.

Character Development: ★★★☆☆

Despite the promise of complex characters, “One for My Enemy” falls short in delivering depth. While characters are given unique backstories, motivations, and flaws, their growth and transformation feel rushed and at times contrived. Some characters, unfortunately, remain underdeveloped, serving merely as convenient plot devices.

If I ever decide to give my heart to you, Dima, she’d said, holding his hand palm up, then cut it out of my chest and keep it somewhere safe, where no one else can get to it. Keep it locked somewhere, she murmured, repeating the old stories as she brushed her lips against the lines of his palm.

 Olivie Blake, One for My Enemy

Plot Pace & Development: ★★☆ ☆ ☆

The plot of “One for My Enemy” moves at a breakneck pace. Readers are introduced to the character and romance ensues shortly after. However, certain characters aren’t given any consideration until used as plot devices for the pro/antagonist.. The story is filled with unexpected twists and turns that constantly keep readers guessing. Olivie Blake weaves together various subplots and storylines, seamlessly tying them all together in a cohesive manner. The pacing is relentless, and the chapters are short, with many switching perspectives. Narrators aren’t reliable.

Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality): ★★★★☆

Olivie Blake’s writing style is a true highlight of “One for My Enemy.” Her prose is elegant, evocative, and brimming with emotion and her diction is impressive, working seamlessly throughout the novel. The language flows effortlessly from one sentence to the next, creating a seamless reading experience. The structure of the novel is well-crafted, with each chapter ending on a cliffhanger that compels readers to keep turning the pages. Olivie Blake’s writing is both accessible and sophisticated, striking the perfect balance between readability and literary merit. Blake’s use of language is perhaps the best part of this book.

Themes & Literary Devices: ★★★☆☆

“One for My Enemy” explores a wide range of themes, including love, family, power, sacrifice, and redemption. Olivie Blake employs various literary devices such as symbolism, foreshadowing, and parallelism to enhance the depth and complexity of these themes. Through her storytelling, Blake invites readers to reflect on universal human experiences and grapple with questions about morality and the nature of good versus evil. In comparison to Romeo and Juliet, both stories explore the theme of forbidden love between two families who are deeply entangled in a longstanding feud. The novel delves into a wide array of themes, including ambition, sacrifice, love, and family dynamics, employing various literary devices like symbolism and foreshadowing to enrich the narrative. It prompts readers to contemplate universal human experiences and grapple with questions of morality and the dichotomy of good versus evil.

“Hate and love were so very similar. Both were intestinal, visceral. Both left scars, vestiges of pain. Hate could not be born from a place of indifference. Hate was only born from opposite sides of the same coin.”

― Olivie Blake, One for My Enemy

Creativity, Originality & Predictability: ★★★☆ ☆

Olivie Blake attempts to breathe new life into familiar tropes by infusing them with her unique voice and perspective. “One for My Enemy” features Shakespearean levels of melodrama, enemy families deeply intertwined, magical drugs, death that may or may not last, star-crossed lovers, and wonderfully vicious women. Much like Romeo and Juliet, both stories explore the theme of forbidden love between two families who are deeply entangled in a longstanding feud. However, “One for My Enemy” adds a unique twist by incorporating elements of Russian mythology and witchcraft. The story takes unexpected twists and turns that keep readers guessing. While some elements may be reminiscent of other works in the genre, Olivie Blake puts her own spin on them, ensuring that “One for My Enemy” feels fresh and exciting.

Emotional Impact: ★★★★☆

“One for My Enemy” packs an emotional punch. Olivie Blake crafts scenes that tug at the heartstrings and elicit a wide range of emotions from readers. Whether it’s heartbreak, joy, anger, or hope, each emotion is conveyed with authenticity and sensitivity. Readers will find themselves emotionally invested in the fates of the characters, rooting for their triumphs and mourning their losses. Some readers may experience frustration with characters and their choices, as I certainly did.

“One for My Enemy” by Olivie Blake has received positive feedback from readers on Goodreads for its fascinating world-building, well-developed characters, fast-paced plot development, high-quality writing style, exploration of various themes through literary devices, creativity and originality in storytelling, as well as its emotional impact on readers. Although there are no available Amazon reviews for this book at the moment, it has been described as a tale of ambition, sacrifice, and legacy that captivates readers with its Shakespearean-level drama, betrayal, heartbreak, bittersweet insta-love, witchy politics, and complicated family dynamics.

However, according to a review on Goodreads, the book is described as “reasonably involving while you’re reading it but ultimately disappointing and incomplete feeling”. Another review on Kirkus Reviews states that the plot unfortunately coalesces predictably (and not nearly as intricately as the scheming characters, and probably the author, imagine it does), and the denouement seems less inevitably tragic than sadly pointless. Meanwhile, many opportunities for intriguing worldbuilding (how magic works, how witches govern themselves to hide their magic from nonwitches, where magical creatures come from, what non–New York witch societies are like) are never picked up. Despite these criticisms, the book has received positive feedback from readers across various criteria. The writing quality is exceptional, the themes are thought-provoking, and the emotional impact is profound. “One for My Enemy” adds a unique twist by incorporating elements of Russian mythology and witchcraft. The book delves into the world of witches and their rivalries, showcasing the complexities of power struggles and family dynamics. While Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale of young love cut short by fate, “One for My Enemy” offers a fresh take on the star-crossed lovers trope with its own blend of magic, ambition, and tragedy .

Rating Report
World Building
3 star rating
Character Development
3 star rating
Plot Pace & Development
2.5 star rating
Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality)
4 star rating
Themes & Literary Devices
3 star rating
Creativity, Originality & Predictability
2.5 star rating
Emotional Impact
3.5 star rating
Overall 3 star rating

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