
Girls of Fate and Fury – Review

In the third installment of Natasha Ngan’s captivating and enchanting series, Girls of Paper and Fire, the saga reaches new heights of complexity and intensity with Girls of Fate and Fury. This book finds our resilient protagonist, Lei, thrust deeper into a world of political intrigue, rebellion, and the inexorable forces of fate. As she grapples with the consequences of her choices, the complex and beautifully crafted world that Ngan has painstakingly constructed takes center stage. With every page, this series delves deeper into the hearts and minds of its characters, exploring the intricacies of their relationships and their roles in the rebellion. In this review, we’ll delve into the many aspects that make this latest addition to the series a remarkable and unforgettable journey.

Be sure to check out the previous books in the series. You can find their reviews below.

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BrygittOct 11, 20236 min read

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🔥 Girls of Paper and Fire 🔥 – Review

BrygittJul 13, 20238 min read

“Girls of Paper and Fire” is a captivating and empowering tale that follows a young girl’s journey of self-discovery, as she navigates the complexities of forbidden love and confronts oppressive forces determined to deny her the freedom to choose whom…

Girls of Fate and Fury – ReviewGirls of Fate and Fury by Natasha Ngan
ISBN: 9780316528771
Pages: 448
Series: Girls of Paper and Fire #3
Published by Hodder & Stoughton
on November 30, 2021
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Diversity & Multicultural, Fantasy, Girls & Women, LGBTQ+, Young Adult, Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction
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World Building

 The world-building in “Girls of Fate and Fury” is immersive and detailed. Natasha Ngan paints a vivid picture of the Hidden Palace and the surrounding world. The descriptions are so rich that you can almost feel the atmosphere of the palace. However, some readers might find the descriptions a bit overwhelming at times.

When a place holds power over you, it looms large. And once that power is stripped away, it appears how it really is. Just a room, or a courtyard, or a house, or a palace. Walls and floorboards and gates and archways. Building blocks. Pieces of a place, but not the heart of them.

Natasha Ngan

Character Development

The characters in the book are well-developed, with Lei and Wren’s characters showing significant growth. The introduction of dual perspectives allows readers to understand the characters better. However, some secondary characters could have been fleshed out more.

But my love, that isn’t all you are. Your blood and upbringing aren’t everything. You make your own power. You are your own strength.”

Natasha Ngan

Plot Pace & Development

The plot is fast-paced with a lot of action. The tension builds up to the climax effectively. However, some readers might find the pace a bit too quick at times.

“Finish it. Those had been Zelle’s last words to me. And though she was talking about the King, I know that in order to truly finish it, I can’t stop at taking the King’s life. I’m going to burn this whole godsdamned place to the ground.“

Natasha Ngan

Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality)

Ngan’s writing is engaging and keeps the reader hooked. The language used is descriptive, and the flow of the story is smooth. Her prose is lyrical and evocative, lending even the most harrowing moments a certain poetic beauty. The narrative flows seamlessly, and the structural organization of the story is impeccable, resulting in a smooth and engaging reading experience. However, some readers might find the language a bit too flowery at times.

Themes & Literary Devices

The book explores themes like power, oppression, love, and sacrifice2. Ngan uses various literary devices effectively to convey these themes. However, some themes could have been explored in more depth.

They can take and steal and break all they want, but there is one thing they have no control over. Our emotions.

Natasha Ngan

Creativity, Originality & Predictability

Girls of Fate and Fury stands out for its creativity and originality. Natasha Ngan has crafted a unique world with distinct characters and settings. The introduction of dual perspectives in this book adds a fresh twist to the narrative, allowing readers to follow both Lei, who is captive inside the Palace, and Wren, who is fighting with the Hannos army outside of the Palace. This dual POV style allows readers to intimately see the reality of both girls and leaves room for imagining how they will be reunited. However, some plot twists might be predictable for seasoned readers.

Emotional Impact

The struggles and triumphs of the characters resonate deeply with the reader, making them feel a part of the story. Natasha Ngan has done an excellent job of portraying the emotions of the characters, making the reader empathize with them. However, some emotional scenes might feel a bit rushed, leaving the reader wanting more. Overall, the book leaves a lasting emotional impact on the reader, making it a memorable read.

To wrap up, Natasha Ngan’s Girls of Fate and Fury serves as a captivating conclusion to the series, blending elements of fantasy, rebellion, and love within its exquisitely crafted world. Ngan’s skillful character development, emotionally resonant narrative, and intricate plot twists underscore her standing as a masterful storyteller. Her world-building talents create an immersive experience, while her prose, often imbued with lyrical beauty, and her inventive use of literary devices showcase her storytelling expertise. As readers traverse this unpredictable and unforgettable journey alongside Lei and her fellow Paper Girls, they delve deeply into themes of freedom, identity, and sacrifice. Though the book does grapple with occasional pacing inconsistencies and verbosity, it undeniably stands as essential reading for those in pursuit of a complex, deeply engaging fantasy narrative, further cementing Natasha Ngan’s position among the genre’s most accomplished authors.

Rating Report
World Building
4 star rating
Character Development
4 star rating
Plot Pace & Development
3.5 star rating
Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality)
4 star rating
Themes & Literary Devices
3.5 star rating
Creativity, Originality & Predictability
3 star rating
Emotional Impact
3.5 star rating
Overall 3.5 star rating

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