
⛈️ Girls of Storm and Shadow ⛈️- Review

“Girls of Storm and Shadow” by Natasha Ngan is the thrilling second installment in the “Girls of Paper and Fire” series. In the first book, “Girls of Paper and Fire,” readers were introduced to the world of Ikhara, where Lei, a young girl from a humble background, is forced into a life of servitude as a Paper Girl, destined to serve the oppressive Demon King. There, she forms a forbidden and passionate relationship with another Paper Girl, Wren. Together, they navigate a treacherous world of political intrigue, uncovering dark secrets and forging a rebellion against the oppressive regime. The first book set the stage for their tumultuous journey, leading seamlessly into the events of “Girls of Storm and Shadow.”

“Girls of Storm and Shadow” is the second book in the “Girls of Paper and Fire” series by Natasha Ngan. The series currently consists of three books. To read the full review for Book One, Girls of Paper and Fire click here.

  • ⛈️ Girls of Storm and Shadow ⛈️- Review

    “Girls of Storm and Shadow” by Natasha Ngan is the thrilling second installment in the “Girls of Paper and Fire” series. In the first book, “Girls of Paper and Fire,” readers were introduced to the world of Ikhara, where Lei, a young girl from a humble background, is forced into a life of servitude as…

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⛈️ Girls of Storm and Shadow ⛈️- ReviewGirls of Storm and Shadow by Natasha Ngan
ISBN: 9780316528764
Pages: 416
Series: Girls of Paper and Fire #2
Published by Hodder & Stoughton
on November 5, 2019
Genres: Young Adult Fiction, Action & Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Diversity & Multicultural, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy, Young Adult, Young Adult Fiction, Fiction
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World Building

Natasha Ngan’s “Girls of Storm and Shadow” weaves a tapestry of vividly imagined cultures and landscapes, immersing readers in the enchanting world of Ikhara. The world-building in this sequel is as compelling and creative as the first book. Natasha Ngan’s vivid descriptions transport readers to the kingdom of Ikhara and its diverse regions. As Lei and Wren journey across the kingdom to seek support from rebel clans, Ngan’s prose brings these different cultures to life. She describes the customs and landscapes with rich detail, creating a fully immersive experience.

“The lush forests of the Eastern Clans stretched as far as the eye could see, trees so tall their canopy seemed to scrape the sky, the ground beneath thick with ferns and underbrush.”

Natasha Ngan

Character Development

“I used to be a paper girl, fragile and helpless. But now, I’m steel and fire.”

Natasha Ngan

The growth and evolution of characters in the book are emotionally resonant, particularly in the case of Lei and Wren. Their growth is pivotal as they confront the trauma from their past. Throughout the story, readers witness their emotional journeys as they come to terms with their memories and scars. Lei’s transformation from a survivor of the Hidden Palace to a determined fighter is particularly notable.

“I had grown from a girl terrified of her own shadow into a fierce protector of those she loved.”

Natasha Ngan

Plot Pace & Development

While the world and characters are engaging, some sections of the book suffer from pacing issues. While the story maintains continuity, it occasionally delves into exposition to expand on the world and its complexities. This exposition, though informative, can slow down the pacing of the narrative. An example of this is when characters engage in lengthy discussions about the history of Ikhara and its various clans, interrupting the flow of the plot.

Language, Flow, and Structure

While Ngan’s descriptive prowess shines in creating the world, there are moments where the writing becomes overly ornate. This occasional verbosity can disrupt the flow and comprehension of the narrative. Some readers, like myself, found certain instances of modern vocabulary to be jarring in the context of the fantasy world she has created. The use of contemporary slang terms or expressions within the narrative can momentarily disrupt the immersion in the book’s fantasy setting.

Themes & Literary Devices

The novel explores profound themes such as trauma, recovery, and the aftermath of rebellion. These themes are skillfully interwoven into the narrative, providing depth to the story. Literary devices, such as symbolism and metaphor, are used to convey these themes. The recurring motif of a phoenix represents resilience and rebirth, echoing the characters’ journeys of healing.

“Like a phoenix, I will rise from the ashes of my past.”

Natasha Ngan

The book’s exploration of themes is exemplified by passages like: “Love was our defiance, our way of pushing back against a world that sought to crush us.” These themes, along with well-deployed literary devices, add depth and emotional resonance to the story.

Creativity, Originality & Predictability

This sequel continues to offer a fresh and original perspective within the YA fantasy genre. Natasha Ngan’s incorporation of Asian cultures in a fantasy world reminiscent of imperial China is both creative and unique. Readers are transported to a realm rich with cultural diversity, rituals, and traditions. The narrative also subverts some genre conventions, keeping readers engaged with unpredictable twists and character arcs that defy expectations.

Ngan’s creative storytelling shines through, exemplified by her unique world and engaging characters. While some plot elements may be anticipated, moments of originality, such as the introduction of mythical creatures, keep the story fresh and intriguing.

Emotional Impact

“Girls of Storm and Shadow” continues to resonate emotionally with readers, particularly those who can relate to the characters’ struggles. The book delves into the characters’ traumas and the complexities of their relationships, evoking a strong emotional response. The rawness of Lei and Wren’s emotional turmoil as they grapple with their past experiences is palpable, making their journey all the more compelling. Readers may find themselves empathizing with the characters and their hardships, forging a deep emotional connection with the story.


“Girls of Storm and Shadow” impresses with its immersive world-building, character development, and exploration of profound themes. While the plot occasionally slows due to exposition, Natasha Ngan’s writing style captivates readers, even though some found pacing issues and the occasional convoluted writing style hinder the narrative’s flow. Despite these challenges, the exploration of themes and the book’s emotional impact make it a compelling and creatively original read that resonates with those who appreciate richly detailed fantasy worlds and complex character journeys. The book’s creativity shines through its unique cultural influences, and its emotional impact resonates strongly with those who connect with the characters’ struggles.

Rating Report
World Building
3.5 star rating
Character Development
3 star rating
Plot Pace & Development
2.5 star rating
Language, Flow, and Structure (Writing Quality)
4 star rating
Themes & Literary Devices
3 star rating
Creativity, Originality & Predictability
4.5 star rating
Emotional Impact
3.5 star rating
Overall 3 star rating

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